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Digital Fundraising Blog

Common Thread: A Legacy of Service

1 min read

Common Thread: A Legacy of Service

Welcome to another edition of Connected Giving. We love showcasing the incredible work of our customers and we’re excited about the response this magazine continues to receive. I am particularly excited about writing the introduction to this issue,...

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stack of coins rising out of the ground symbolizing financial sustainability

3 min read

Financial Sustainability: How To Keep Your Funds Growing

For any business or individual that gets into investments, one piece of advice is to diversify your funds.

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woman being given box of clothes and noncash donations

2 min read

Why You Should Accept Noncash Donations

If you haven’t dipped your organization’s toes into the noncash waters, or if you’re already promoting noncash donations but you’re bone dry when it...

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Year-End Fundraising is Done — Now What?

2 min read

Year-End Fundraising is Done — Now What?

The preparation and execution of year-end fundraising efforts can be exhausting. Direct mail, email, social media campaigns, events, etc. — each...

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Do Finance Right

1 min read

Do Finance Right

Beyond your mission statement and the events you hold in your community, finance is the hidden part of every nonprofit. It’s the component that not...

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The Power of a Story

4 min read

The Power of a Story

Sometimes all it takes is a simple message. Hearing stories of a nonprofit’s success is a key step in the process of moving a potential donor to an...

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Start with the donor, not the database.

1 min read

Start With the Donor, Not the Database

The future of giving starts with connecting your fundraising strategies where it matters most—within the systems that are donor-facing.

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Clear & Proactive

1 min read

Clear & Proactive

Connected Giving orgs are transparent about the good they’re doing and proactively answer questions before they are asked, engendering donor trust.

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The Secrets of Digital Leaders

2 min read

The Secrets of Digital Leaders

Phil Meyers has more than 40 years of experience in the tech sector creating, launching, and leading tech companies that introduced breakthrough...

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stack of boxes with clothes and noncash donations

2 min read

Campaign Ideas for Noncash Donations

Just as with traditional cash campaigns, the number of ways to encourage noncash donations is limited only by the imagination. Organizations that...

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group volunteering for giving tuesday and in 2022

2 min read

Giving Tuesday Rewind: What Is Ahead for 2022?

The calendar has turned over another year, and that means new opportunities for giving and building relationships with your donors.

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people sorting through donations for year-end giving

2 min read

Understanding Year-end Giving to Start the New Year Strong

As 2021 comes to a close, taking stock of what you have accomplished all year is important.

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accepting bitcoin and cryptocurrency donations for your organization

3 min read

Why You Should Accept Cryptocurrency

When you hear the term “cryptocurrency,” there’s a good chance confusion sets in. You may be skeptical about its viability, or may just have a lack...

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stock exchange sign for stock donation

3 min read

How to Get Started in Stock Donation

In general business terms, cash is thought of as king.

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idonate donor management system integrations

2 min read

Connecting to the Leading Donor Management Systems: We Make It Easy

Donor management systems are important. They’re designed to keep your list of donors and your organization’s financial records all in one place. The...

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Alignment & Accessibility

1 min read

Alignment & Accessibility

When a nonprofit starts with a donor-centric mindset, the alignment of its operational teams transforms into a Connected Giving Org.

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Optimize Your Giving Form For Year-End Appeals

1 min read

Optimize Your Giving Form For Year-End Appeals

We know your end-of-year giving campaign can be one of the most important fundraising efforts you take on all year.

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Calendar Year-End Everyday

1 min read

Make it Calendar Year-End Every Day

When I transitioned my career into partnering with nonprofits to accelerate their fundraising through digital marketing strategies and technology I...

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Taking Stock and Looking Forward

1 min read

Taking Stock and Looking Forward

‘Tis the giving season! While this is often the busiest time of year for many nonprofit marketers and fundraisers, it is also a favorite time of year...

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Build Long-Term Donor Relationships with Active Retention

1 min read

Build Long-Term Donor Relationships with Active Retention

The future of giving treats fundraising events as part of a continous communication process that cultivates a relationship—not a limited window of...

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Zoe International

4 min read

Reach and Rescue: Working to End Human Trafficking

How do you get people to care about a cause they can’t see?

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Have you seen your website lately?

1 min read

Have You Seen Your Website Lately?

When was the last time you looked at your website? What were you looking for? Of course, it should be pleasing to the eye. We are all drawn to...

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