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What is a donation page?

Start converting more donors with our guide to donation pages.

Donation page A/B testing manual

Donation page A/B testing - no science degree needed.

Optimizing donation page load times

We're showing you how to keep your donation page loading fast - and driving higher conversions.

Digital Fundraising Resources

Digital Fundraising Blog


man looking at a tablet while talking with a coworker about ab testing for nonprofits

3 min read

What Is A/B Testing and How To Use It for Your Nonprofit's Success

You have an idea of the message you want to send out about your next campaign, but don’t know if adding a picture or video would make it better or...

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woman standing outside looking at her phone

4 min read

How Can We Break Out From the 2% Dilemma?

Nonprofits have had little success solving the so-called “2% dilemma.” As you see in the graphic below, the total amount of giving in the U.S. has...

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people working around a table on their phones and computers

4 min read

Break Through With an Experimentation Mindset

In the for-profit world, businesses of all kinds, in virtually every industry, know that the only way to create relationships that lead to long-term...

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digital fundraising platform from idonate screenshot

3 min read

iDonate 2.0: Make Giving Simpler for Your Organization

Giving needs to be simple for the donor, and management of the giving process needs to be simple for the organization. Like most things,...

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two men working together on a computer

3 min read

Innovation Is the Shortest Route To Sustainable Growth

Innovation is an essential ingredient of any successful growth strategy. When we survey the for-profit world, we see innovation acting as a catalyst...

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men and women standing around a truck during volunteer event

4 min read

What Does it Mean to Close the Loop?

Every NPO aspires to create a donor base that is recurring and sustainable. Nonprofits don’t close the loop well, which is why 75%-80% of donors...

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two men working together on a computer

2 min read

6 Questions To Optimize Your Online Fundraising

Does my donation page give donors opportunities to leave the page? Donors are already inundated with their own distractions online: news constantly...

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