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Digital Fundraising Blog

Recurring Donations

2 min read

The Secret to Raising More: Create a Monthly Donor Program

Nonprofit marketers and fundraisers all have one thing in common – they’re wearing way too many hats and are doing it all on a tight budget.

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man leaning over a computer writing a noncash appeal email in an office

3 min read

How Can You Create the Perfect Noncash Appeal for Giving Tuesday?

Most nonprofits shy away from asking donors to give a second gift just weeks after their first donation. They fear their current donors will get...

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men and women standing around a truck during volunteer event

4 min read

What Does it Mean to Close the Loop?

Every NPO aspires to create a donor base that is recurring and sustainable. Nonprofits don’t close the loop well, which is why 75%-80% of donors...

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woman points to poster board during business meeting

3 min read

5 Tips To Simplify Online Giving for the Donor

In order to simplify online giving, you need to simplify the donor’s user experience. The majority of donors are already giving online, and many more...

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man looking worried about high gas prices

2 min read

Do High Gas Prices Lead to Decreased Giving?

Much like a lot of items on the shelves, gas prices are high right now. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average price of...

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personalized online giving experiences with idonate

2 min read

What Should Go Into a Personalized Experience?

When we think of online personalized experiences, there are many examples today such as Netflix offering suggested movies based on your viewing...

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recurring donations with idonate

2 min read

Recurring Donations Are the Key

As a quick exercise, think about if you had 100 people give to your nonprofit one time. While that may be 100 more people than you had before, what...

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