Case Studies

Thomas Jefferson University: Personalization + Multi-Channel Fundraising

Written by iDonate Staff | Jun 14, 2022 12:05:01 AM

“We attribute our growth in online donations to the fact that with iDonate we can easily run specific, personalized giving campaigns that our alumni can connect to.” - DAVID RITCHIE DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SERVICES


Since Thomas Jefferson University is a private university, it's crucial that they have robust fundraising strategies with modern digital fundraising tools that directly support those strategies. Just like 1/3 of the nonprofits out in the world today, Jefferson's fundraisers and development teams were working with outdated and inherited digital giving tools that were cumbersome, manual, and time-consuming.

They needed the ability to run sophisticated, custom campaigns that resonated with their donors. They needed a Donor-First fundraising platform that amplified their efforts and didn't slow them down. iDonate has helped to simplify their digital fundraising by providing them with a suite of digital giving apps and optimization tools that acquire, convert, and retain long-term donor support.



iDonate embedded giving forms, text-to-give for events, and peer-to-peer landing pages that encouraged donors to advocate on their behalf. This was all done from our single platform which allowed all campaign results to funnel into a single campaign dashboard and donor reports. 


Unlike most systems that fragment, Thomas Jefferson University can quickly set up multiple customized campaigns that maintain brand consistency - and are easy to use. Additionally, everything is seamlessly integrated with their donor management platform.

  • 3.5x increase donation size over the national average of industry gift size
  • 5x increase in the total number of donors for the University