Check out this article to see how to de-merge transactions that were made to the same donor.
If a donor doesn’t have an email address to use at the time of donation, our clients have been instructed to have the donor use to act as a placeholder for this donation. This way, the record will not become a part of someone else's within iDonate. However, donors and even organization users will accidentally use one email address for multiple donations. When this happens, all of the donations made by those different people will be lumped into one account under the email address that was used to make these gift.
Here is how we can split the gifts into their own donor records as intended:
Go to GMSNext
All the work that you’ll need to do for this will be done within GMSNext. Note: The most recent transaction that’s recorded in this record with dictate the name/address/phone number on the record. To make these splits successfully, please start with the earliest transaction on the record OR the record that has been said to be for a different donor (if a specific date is mentioned).
Steps as follows to split a record:
- Navigate to the donor record using the email address provided by the organization
- Click on the earliest transaction ID hyperlink OR the record that has been said to be for a different donor (if a specific date is mentioned).
- On this new page, click the button Replace that is near the top right corner of the donor record.
- When you do this, it will look like the donor edit screen. Here you’ll determine is new donor data is present here.
- Ex. If the name on the overall account is “Robert” and when you do the Replace command on the record and you see that the donor information here is “Wendy” then you have found the record that needs to be split. Please see example image below:
- On this page, click the button, Create Donor and Apply Changes. When you click this button, the following things will happen:
- A new Donor will be created using the form data.
- The Donor on Transaction (Insert Transaction ID) will be replaced with the new Donor.
- The existing PaymentMethod (insert Payment Method ID) will be moved to the new Donor.
- The existing RecurringDonationSchedule (insert Recurring Donation Schedule ID) will be moved to the new Donor.
- Note: You do not need to enter any additional information here to complete the split. This function will automatically create the new donor record using the email
- Repeat as necessary until all the donor records have been split from the master account
That’s how you split donor accounts apart from each other!