Year-End Giving: Reporting on Donor-Specific Giving History

These steps will help you efficiently and accurately generate a report to analyze and track your donors' contributions.

Generate donor-specific reports to track certain donors' contributions with ease.

Creating a Custom Report

  1. Login to
  2. Navigate to Reporting
  3. Click + New Report
  4. Name Your Report
  5. Choose the Transaction focus

Filtering by Calendar Year

  1. Click + Add Filter and use the following query:
    1. Where Created (UTC), greater than or equal, 01/01/xxxx (the previous year)
  2. Click + Add Filter and use the following query:
    1. And Created (UTC), less than or equal, 12/31/xxxx (the previous year)
  3. Click Save Report
  4. Choose your report Visibility from the dropdown and click Save Report

Your organization now has a saved report for all donations in the previous calendar year! For donor-specific reports, continue to the next steps.

Filtering by Donor

  1. Click the Customize Report icon
  2. Select Filters and click + Add Filter
  3. Choose the Email focus from the dropdown and the equals operator
  4. Click Enter a value here and paste the donor's email address exactly as it appears (no erroneous spaces!), then click Apply
  5. Download your report as CSV or Excel, and you now have a report of one donor's yearly giving!

Tip: use the Columns tab to add/remove columns to your report.