Gather insights into fundraising performance.
One of the most important aspects of any campaign is measuring your results. Understanding what has been accomplished let's you identify areas where you can improve for your next campaign.
A Brief Summary of Gathering Analytics
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites supply page managers with extremely useful information, not just on the performance of posts, but information about your followers as well. Google Analytics will track your website traffic and allow you to see exactly what people are doing on your website. If you don't have Google Analytics tied to your website, click here.
Of course, iDonate's analytics can also show you the real impact of your campaigns.
iDonate Analytics
We understand how important it is for you to know exactly what kind of fundraising results you're achieving. We designed our Dashboard so that it's easy to navigate and provides the information you need to be successful. Using the Dashboard, you are able to track the financial impact each campaign is having.
Track Your Results
We recommend that you track the results of your campaign content periodically so you can form a complete picture of what communication channels are working best with your donors. You may find that your donors respond best to Facebook instead of another social media site.
New in 2.0: A/B Testing
Subscribers to the iDonate Pro plan have access to A/B Testing. This allows you as an organization to take a Giving Form, create a slightly altered version of that Giving Form, and present the two alternately to donors, to evaluate the conversion rate for each form. Donor 1 sees Form A, Donor 2 sees Form B, Donor 3 sees Form A, Donor 4, Form B, and so on.
For example, an organization may want to determine whether ending a CTA (Call to Action) with a period or an exclamation point has any effect on conversion. Details make a difference.