Recurring Donation Report: Status Definitions

Understanding Recurring Schedule Statuses

Schedules within the canned "Recurrings" Report will display one of the following statuses:

Status Definition
Active Schedule is active and will run again.
Expired Schedule has reached the expiration date set  by either the donor or an organization user.


Schedule has attempted to run, but the transaction failed and requires donor action to transact successfully. This status will appear on schedules that have failed for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd time.
Terminally Failed Indicates a schedule was failing, and has failed for a 4th time without correction. The schedule will not retry again. 

Why would a schedule be failing?

Recurring schedules may display a "Failing" status due to issues with a donor's payment method. Their card may be insufficiently funded, have expired, or still need to be activated with their issuer. You may use the steps below to view a Recurring Schedule's "Audit History" for details regarding a failing or terminally failed donation.

Viewing a schedule's Audit History

  1. Open the Recurrings Report
  2. Select a Schedule
  3. Click "Audit History"