iDonate utilizes multiple tools to process donations smoothly. Please use the links below to find the applicable statements.
iDonate subscription - ZOHO Subscription - billed in the first week of the month
CardConnect - CardPointe portal - billed on the 2nd of the month.
- "MERCHANTBANK CD #MID" will show on the bank statement.
- Please add ACH ID G592126793 to your organizations' bank whitelist.
- For additional assistance to find statements on CardPointe, please click here.
BlueChex ACH - BluePay portal- billed on the 6th of the month.
- "Fiserv Pmnt Svcs" will show on the bank statement.
- Please add ACH ID 0000000380 and 0383913206 to your organizations' bank whitelist.
- The authorized signer will receive an email with a statement from "SnapPay"
ProfitStars ACH - SmartPay portal - billed on the last day of the month
- "Jack Henry & Asc EPS ACH" will show on the bank statement.
- Please add ACH ID 9000+ProfitStars MID to your organizations' bank whitelist
- A physical invoice will be sent to the billing address mid-month