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The essentials

What is a donation page?

Start converting more donors with our guide to donation pages.

Donation page A/B testing manual

Donation page A/B testing - no science degree needed.

Optimizing donation page load times

We're showing you how to keep your donation page loading fast - and driving higher conversions.

Digital Fundraising Resources

Donor-first Fundraising Optimized for Your Marketing Team

Our donor-first fundraising platform is optimized for digital-first, marketing-savvy nonprofits that are ready to take their digital fundraising to the next level. 

Digital Fundraising Hero Image (1)

Get all the marketing tools you need to run your modern fundraising strategies.

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Be Donor-First Through the Donor's Entire Giving-Journey

Initial Discovery:
Use UTM codes and Google Analytics to understand your marketing attribution and ROI on spend.

Test your value propositions with A/B Split Testing with our simple point & click A/B Testing Tool.

Points of Giving:
Offer all the essential payment types (credit, debit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, etc.) and giving channels (web, P2P, events, etc.) your donors expect and enjoy.

Donor Advocacy:
Offering recurring giving options is only the beginning. Level up your Donor support with iDonate's dynamic Recurring Gift Prompt.

Donor-First Lifecycle (1)

A:B Testing & Fundraising Campaign Optimization

The best digital fundraisers are constantly optimizing and tweaking. Even if something looks and works great, it can always be optimized to perform a little better.

iDonate’s in-app A/B testing feature gives your digital fundraising team the ability to not only design and deploy custom giving forms and donation pages, but also test two versions against one another to see which one performs best. 

Have a winner? Simply choose the one with better metrics, and with one click that version is now live for you to receive the most fundraising dollars. Then on to the next test... 

Learn More About AB Testing

B Test Overview LargeCompressed

The Truth About Optimization

As you already know, removing friction, such as asking for non-essential donor information (like a phone number), from your giving experience can increase donor acquisition by over 40%?

Yet, recent reports show 95% of nonprofits today still have friction within their giving experience which is proven to lower conversion rate. 70% still require non-essential information, and (if you can believe it) 8% of today's nonprofits are still requiring the donor to enter their birthdate in order to give a gift!

Luckily, there are many simple, yet powerful, optimization strategies that have a huge impact on your overall yearly donations, and our platform is built to help you execute those optimization strategies. 

In fact, when iDonate customers utilize our platform's Donor-First optimization tools (like our Point & Click A:B Testing, Giving Impact Equation, Recurring Gift Prompt, etc.) along with our Customer Success Coaching, they grow more than 2x the industry benchmark every year on average. 


Do you know how much in yearly digital donations you're leaving on the table by not being optimized? Find out with our FREE Assessment!

Take Our FREE Assessment

Configurable and Embeddable Giving Forms & Landing Pages

Our simple WYSIWYG form and landing page editor allows you to update and customize your giving forms and fundraising pages with ease to meet your donor's unique needs and preferences.

Configure your donation forms and fundraising pages with your nonprofit's specific branding guidelines to provide a consistent and trusted fundraising experience. 

It's your form... Built it the way you want.

Request a Demo


Negative ROI from 1st Time Givers


Recurring Giving vs 1st Time Giving Graph


Automate Your Recurring Donor Support


Today's nonprofits are still struggling to provide Donor-First experiences which lead to long-term, recurring support. As you know, the cost of acquiring  $1 of new donor giving, costs $1.25 on average; which means, without a 2nd gift, there’s a negative ROI.

Unfortunately, only 18.6% of first-time donors ever give a second gift. That's what makes iDonate's proprietary Recurring Gift Prompt so impactful to your nonprofit's long-term success.

With just a few simple clicks, you are able to start prompting donors, at the optimal moment in the donations process, to give a recurring donation and ensure your nonprofit secures that 2nd gift right from the get-go! See how modern technology like this helps iDonate customers to grow 2x the industry average each year, guaranteed!

Learn More About Our 2x Guarantee

Ready to take your marketing team's efforts to the next level?

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